TANTUM (2022)
Sinopsis/Synopsis: En un futuro lejano, un padre y una hija sobreviven en una estación meteorológica con la ayuda de una Inteligencia Artificial. Pero un acontecimiento inesperado convertirá su estancia en una carrera por sobrevivir.
In the distant future, a father and daughter survive in a weather station with the support of a Artificial Intelligence. But an unexpected event will turn their stay into a race to survive.
Cast : Boris Chrestia, Lucía Vargas, Emma Caballero, Steven Dasz, Andrew Dasz.
Writer and Director : Rubén Arnaiz
Producers: Rubén Arnaiz, Josep Rivas, Chus Boya
Assistant Director: David “Chirock” Moreno
Executive Producers: Josep Rivas, Rubén Arnaiz
Director of Photography: J.J. Recort, Gerard Ponce
Production Designer: Rubén Arnaiz
Make Up & Hair Stylist: Miriam Gullón
Sound: Roger Navarro Sound Designer: Roger Navarro, Eloy Rodríguez de la Rosa.
Camera Operators: J.J. Recort, Gerard Ponce
Still Photographer: Tony Callejas
Colorist: Javier Castelló
Stunt Coordinator: Andrew Dasz, Steven Dasz
Digital Effects: Silvia Bardají, Francisco García, Jaime del Campo, Tomislav Jakupec, Shoaib Khan, Victor Salazar,
Music composed by: QuasarSonic
Song “Tell me tonight just a story” by QuasarSonic. Performed by Martha Roquett
Production Company: RJ Digital HUB SLU, Lira Produccions, Amblost Media,
Especificaciones técnicas/Technical Specs:
Género/Genre: Thriller, Horror, Sci-Fi, Drama
Idiomas/Lenguages: Castellano /Spanish
Cámara/Camera: (Cyon AJA Video System, Canon C500 Mark II, Nikon z50)
Pantalla/Screen: Widescreen 16:9 (1.85:1)